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How this Music Store Franchise Attracts All Levels of Musicians

It’s never too early or too late to take up a musical instrument and reap the benefits of its impact on academic success, cognitive function and self-confidence.

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By providing local musicians with quality used musical instruments, Music Go Round® franchisees have the opportunity to foster these benefits in their communities throughout their lives.

The Sweet Sounds of a Bright Future

Introducing musical training and arts involvement to children at a young age can set the stage for future academic success. Not only does it teach children essential skills like problem-solving and decision making, building self-confidence and self-discipline and teamwork, but also has proven success on their academic success.

Public schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2 percent graduation rate and 93.9 percent attendance rate, while those without music programs average at a 72.9 percent graduation rate and 84.9 percent attendance. And musical training doesn’t just impact graduation and attendance success – it also has recently shown that students participating in music programs are better at science, math and English in comparison to their non-musical peers.

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However, for many parents, the financial requirements of placing their children in a musical training program outweigh the benefits it may hold. Even for those whose children participate in a music program at school, art curriculum is usually the first to be cut from a budget due to the cost of providing each student with an instrument.

Luckily, Music Go Round franchisees can come to the rescue with quality used instruments in a much more feasible price range – turning a child’s dream of making music into a reality.

Improving the Quality of Life in Older Community Members

Musical training has proven to also have a positive impact on multiple aspects of life and brain function in older adults. Music has a therapeutic effect on multiple different health issues common in our older population, including depression and anxiety, dementia, osteoarthritis, hearing loss, stroke and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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For those suffering from osteoarthritis or surviving a stroke, consistent musical training has shown to improve movement coordination, increase finger dexterity and strength and decrease arthritic pain, while those suffering from PTSD and depression saw a lessening in their symptoms.

By lessening the burden of these symptoms, musical training can improve the quality of life in the older members of the community.

Providing a Wide Selection to New Musicians

Learning a new skill can be expensive, especially when it comes to musical instruments. For those under a tight budget, most shops will have a limited selection of instruments for beginners to choose from. Music Go Round franchisees have the opportunity to widen the scope of affordable instruments, helping a budding musician pick the perfect, long-term instrument.

In addition, when that new musician outgrows their instrument or would like a newer instrument, they can sell it to Music Go Round and get paid on the spot.

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By providing the tools and instruments to new and seasoned musicians alike, Music Go Round franchisees get to see their impact on the arts in their community members big and small, as well as creating an entirely new generation of musicians that may not exist without the accessibility of affordable instruments.

Looking to join a franchise that fosters creativity and a love of music in their communities? Contact us today!
