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4 Ways to Drive Employee Satisfaction at Your Resale Business

As businesses everywhere continue to cope with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the labor force is more valuable than ever. After all, employees are some of the most important aspects of a business, and they each did their part to keep business open during uncertain times.

At Winmark - the Resale Company®, franchisees have plenty of resources when it comes to recruiting, hiring and retaining employees for their stores. If the nationwide labor shortage taught us anything, it’s that there are things entrepreneurs can be doing every day to drive employee satisfaction.

resale retail store

Take a Closer Look at Your Training Program

Whenever you add a new member to your team, you want to make sure you’re equipping them with all the tools and knowledge to succeed. All Play It Again Sports®, Plato’s Closet®, Once Upon A Child®, Music Go Round® and Style Encore® franchisees are not only trained on all aspects of running their stores, but they’re also provided in-depth training materials to share with employees.

Because of Winmark’s streamlined operations, the systems and processes are simple to teach and learn. Still, it is always helpful to encourage new trainees to ask questions and cultivate a transparent work environment.

Training for a new job can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Make the process as organized and clear as possible. Have a structured system and stick to it.

Seek and Implement Feedback

Of course, there are times when change is necessary. For trainees and long-term employees alike, seeking feedback will only help you improve as time goes on. Be open to suggestions, survey your employees regularly and make sure their voices are being heard.

While seeking feedback is a great place to start, you also want to make sure you’re implementing solutions. Consider allowing your team to propose some. After all, they are the ones working in your store on a day-to-day basis and get a firsthand look at what’s working and what improvements can be made.

Respect and Reward Your Star Employees

It may sound simple, but employees want to feel respected. Retail hours can vary, but always try to make things as fair and balanced as possible. Remember that people have important matters outside of work, so try to be as flexible as possible.

Happy employees also mean happier customers. Your employees should not just look like they love their jobs; they should genuinely enjoy coming to work every day.

Motivating your employees and rewarding them for their hard work will help keep them invested in their jobs. Consider an “Employee of the Month” program or other fun, creative ideas to help them and your store reach specific goals. 

resale musical store

Have a Clear Path to Success

Speaking of goals, many employees come into the retail business hoping to work their way up and advance their careers. Talk to your employees about their goals and aspirations. Let them know that there is opportunity for growth and communicate what your expectations are in order to advance.

Many managers, and in some cases franchisees, start as sales associates. Allow them to learn more aspects of the business as they master their day-to-day activities and offer them advancement opportunities when you have openings available.

As you support your employees along their journey, the Winmark corporate team is here to support you in yours. Contact us today to learn more about opening a resale store in your area.
